Swan Hill Specialist School has grown from a small special developmental school some years ago to become a larger more diverse specialist school, with growing enrolments (93 students in 2023) and a strong profile in the local Swan Hill community.
The school site is large and accommodates a kitchen garden and garden facilities at the rear. There are defined secure areas for recreation at break times for the various age groups. Sheltered modern play equipment is available for students.
Students come from a wide surrounding rural area with some travelling long distances. A high percentage of students come by PTV Disability bus transport. Students are from a diverse socio-economic background with many families significantly disadvantaged, evidenced by a relatively high Student Family Occupation (SFO) density of 0.82. More boys than girls are enrolled with student’s disabilities ranging from Mild to Severe Intellectual Disability (ID). Many students have a multi disability such as autism or a physical, emotional and behavioural disability. A small percentage of students come from language backgrounds other than English (LOTE) and there are approximately 20% of students who come from an indigenous background.
There is a School Council that supports the school in many practical ways. There are approximately 50 staff members divided between mostly specialist qualified teachers and Education Support Staff (ESS), many ES staff members are working at the school on a part time basis. Leadership of the school is by the principal, an assistant principal and two leading teachers who coordinate three sub-schools centred on the early years, middle years and senior school. A multi-disciplinary team of para-professionals including a psychologist and speech and occupational therapist, visit the school to support student wellbeing and programs.
The school has very supportive wellbeing programs with a Mental Health Practitioner, Wellbeing Leader and Wellbeing Teacher. The school practices SWPBS and is a Restorative School and in 2024 will have a Mental Health in Primary Schools Leader.
Curriculum is based on the Victorian Curriculum. Senior students undertake Victorian Curriculum studies at the appropriate level or are registered in the Victorian PC and capable students additionally undertake VET competency based offerings in hospitality.
Class sizes are approximately eight to twelve students in each room with a teacher and education support staff (ES) members. Specialist programs in art, STEM, music and physical education are an integral part of the educational program. Each room has access to kitchen facilities to enable learning. Classrooms are equipped with modern ICT technology and there is increasing use of personal netbooks and iPads to facilitate engagement in learning.
The school has excellent links with the local community focused on educational opportunities, transition links, recreation, and welfare.
The school site is large and accommodates a kitchen garden and garden facilities at the rear. There are defined secure areas for recreation at break times for the various age groups. Sheltered modern play equipment is available for students.
Students come from a wide surrounding rural area with some travelling long distances. A high percentage of students come by PTV Disability bus transport. Students are from a diverse socio-economic background with many families significantly disadvantaged, evidenced by a relatively high Student Family Occupation (SFO) density of 0.82. More boys than girls are enrolled with student’s disabilities ranging from Mild to Severe Intellectual Disability (ID). Many students have a multi disability such as autism or a physical, emotional and behavioural disability. A small percentage of students come from language backgrounds other than English (LOTE) and there are approximately 20% of students who come from an indigenous background.
There is a School Council that supports the school in many practical ways. There are approximately 50 staff members divided between mostly specialist qualified teachers and Education Support Staff (ESS), many ES staff members are working at the school on a part time basis. Leadership of the school is by the principal, an assistant principal and two leading teachers who coordinate three sub-schools centred on the early years, middle years and senior school. A multi-disciplinary team of para-professionals including a psychologist and speech and occupational therapist, visit the school to support student wellbeing and programs.
The school has very supportive wellbeing programs with a Mental Health Practitioner, Wellbeing Leader and Wellbeing Teacher. The school practices SWPBS and is a Restorative School and in 2024 will have a Mental Health in Primary Schools Leader.
Curriculum is based on the Victorian Curriculum. Senior students undertake Victorian Curriculum studies at the appropriate level or are registered in the Victorian PC and capable students additionally undertake VET competency based offerings in hospitality.
Class sizes are approximately eight to twelve students in each room with a teacher and education support staff (ES) members. Specialist programs in art, STEM, music and physical education are an integral part of the educational program. Each room has access to kitchen facilities to enable learning. Classrooms are equipped with modern ICT technology and there is increasing use of personal netbooks and iPads to facilitate engagement in learning.
The school has excellent links with the local community focused on educational opportunities, transition links, recreation, and welfare.